An update to ‘Searching the Business Central Base App’

As a result of my previous post, two interesting things happened. Firstly, several people pointed out the excellent 'Ctrl+P' command in VS Code, which left me feeling quite the chump for having spent time crafting my regex: I mean, seriously, look at that - Almost everything I was trying to achieve, right within the product, …

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Searching the Business Central Base App with Regular Expressions

If you're anything like me, when you're developing solutions in AL you often want to refer to the base BC app and see how something works.This almost always starts with navigating to a specific, known object and then using a series of 'Go to Definition' and 'Find All References' commands, with liberal use of the …

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The big problem with Intelligent Cloud data replication or: Why Intelligent Cloud is not ready for the real world

There is a very short, simple and honest reason why Intelligent Cloud in Business Central is not ready for the real world: It is far too strongly coupled to the data structures of both systems. In fact, the data structures between the two systems could not be more coupled, and whilst on the surface this …

Continue reading The big problem with Intelligent Cloud data replication or: Why Intelligent Cloud is not ready for the real world

Common issues with migrating Business Central data to the cloud

My original post proclaimed the migration to SaaS as easy, which it is if things work. However, during my testing of the Intelligent Cloud data replication process, there are a few issues which have stopped me time & time again. I thought I'd list them here, and the solutions for each. 1) Intelligent Cloud disappears from …

Continue reading Common issues with migrating Business Central data to the cloud

Migrating to Microsoft Dynamics Business Central in the cloud from NAV

It's a bold opening line, and one that I'm going to heavily qualify, but migrating data from NAV to the cloud is easy.However, the number of explanations & qualifications has lead this to be quite a lengthy post. If you want to dive straight in & follow the standard documentation, it can be found here with …

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